Friday 1 April 2011

Whoops I did it again - EM OH GEE!!!

I'm in the doghouse (or the chicken house I suppose it should be!)

I let all the hens out yesterday to mingle with the new ones in the garden, and propped the gate to the run open. Last time I did this the wind blew too hard and broke the gate off its hinges. This time I thought putting a bucket either side of the gate would hold it open without the wind being able to cause damage.

I was wrong.

We got back from parents evening and Andy was all set to make a new gate for elsewhere in his poultry paradise, when I discovered the gate was off its hinges again but this time the wood it was attached to had broken too. Oops.

While I was deciding how best to creep to Andy before telling him what I'd done (and when I did tell him I was most unpopular) Joe came to see me. He saw the gate and having spent far too much time listening to Matthew, but perhaps not closely enough, he came out with a classic. Not for Joe the standard Americanism of OMG, oh no, Joe has developed his own term for when Mummy has done something really silly -

"Oh Mummy! EM OH GEE!"

He couldn't understand why I was doubled up laughing at a broken gate. It really would be so boring around here without him!