Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Duty to the Queen

At St George's Day Parade & Service every year one Group is chosen to perform a short play based on a theme. This year the theme is "Duty to the Queen" and we are the lucky ones chosen!
I'm just an assistant but had an email from the leader saying she has no idea and she's relying on me for this one. GULP!

It's one of those parts of the Scout Promise that we ask the children to say, without giving them any real sense of what it means. Truth is, I'm not entirely sure myself.

The Scout association explain it like this:
"to do my duty to God and to the Queen"
Duties are those tasks which you have to do. You should try to do those thing you know need doing before someone else tells you to do them. Your duty to the Queen, includes showing respect for her and what she stands for as the head of your country. This includes obeying the laws of your country (and any other country which you visit).

Now I need to find a way to translate that into a sketch that can be understood by children from 6 up to 16, and that the adults will find interesting too.


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