Thursday, 17 November 2011

Little things can make the biggest difference

Earlier this week I hit burnout point. I didn't say anything to anyone because, well, I never do. On Tuesday I slept. All day. I woke up at 15:31 and have to be at the bus stop for the boys by 15:40. Close call! A very lovely mum at school did notice and has made me promise I will learn to say no a bit more often, which I have done. I could have been at school all day yesterday but instead I came home for the morning. It's a start.

I spent the last 2 weeks in school or doing things for school most of the time. The only exception was the one day I went to my training course. I enjoy volunteering, I like to feel I'm doing something, but I often don't realise I'm doing too much until it's too late.
I've not been eating properly, due to lack of money and opportunity (I can't cook when I'm tired - I burn myself or the house!).
I've been forgetting to take my narcolepsy meds, I have to take them after food and if I don't get breakfast I can't take them til lunch. At lunch I forget. At dinner I'm asleep.
The boys have been playing up at bedtimes, and I've been getting wound up. They've been playing up in the mornings and I've been getting stressed.

In short, it's been a hard few weeks.

But yesterday we turned a corner of sorts.

My ever lovely dad did some shopping for me. This meant not only could I have dinner last night but I have breakfast and lunch for today, dinner for tonight.
Matthew did all his homework without too much nagging.
The boys played up at bedtime but I decided to ignore them after the first 10 times I shouted.
This morning I woke the boys up instead of letting them sleep. It was 07:30 still, but that was early enough to achieve the thing that makes the biggest difference to my day....
Walking to the bus means 2 things, we all get a relaxed, stress-free send off to school with a bit of exercise thrown in, and I get home again by 08:30 with the rest of the day ahead!

So far this morning I have fed the chickens, hung the football kit on the airer, put more washing in, got lunch ready for my course today, got swimming kit and football kit ready and by the door, looked up where I have to deliver a form to tonight, and even eaten breakfast while blogging!

In less than an hour I have achieved more than I have achieved most days in the last few weeks.

Sometimes little things really can make the biggest difference.....

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